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Step 2
How to Use SmartConnect With a Teleconferencer
Set SmartConnect to Learn Your Telephone
1. Find the LEARN button on the top of
SmartConnect lets you use your teleconferencer even if you don’t have an
analog line close by. Just connect SmartConnect between your teleconferencer
and any digital (or analog) telephone with a modular handset cord.
2. Turn the LEARN button collar from the “locked”
position to the “unlocked” position (Figure 3).
3. Make sure no devices are connected to
SmartConnect’s VOICE/DATA port. If a device is
connected, disconnect it for the duration of the
During setup in Step 2, SmartConnect adapted itself to work with your telephone.
After this step, further adjustments to SmartConnect aren’t normally needed.
However, if teleconference callers say your voice is faint, “echoey” or sounds like
you’re in a tunnel, fine-tune your phone’s speaking volume as follows:
learning process.
Figure 3
Figure 4
4. Lift the telephone handset and place it on your
desk. Get an OUTSIDE line and dial tone.
Note: You may have to dial “9” or press a
special key (Figure 5). If no dial tone after dialing
“9”, hang up and redial “9” plus 1-800 or 1-888.
Find SmartConnect’s 3-position switch marked TRANSMIT LEVEL.
This switch controls your speaking volume (Figure 8).
The transmit volume control has 3 positions:
5. Push and release the LEARN button. The Green
Learn light will start flashing (Figure 4).
(I) = lowest transmit volume (set here if your voice has an echo
or tunnel sound)
6. Wait 2–3 seconds. The Green Learn light will
go out, telling you that SmartConnect has
successfully learned your phone.
(II) = standard setting for most conversations
Figure 8
(III) = highest transmit volume
7. Turn the LEARN button collar back to the
“locked” position. SmartConnect is now
ready to use (Figure 6).
(set here if your voice sounds faint)
If you are unable to optimize the performance of your teleconferencer using
this switch, you may need to reset the teleconferencer. Please refer to the setup
section of your teleconferencer user guide.
If you have trouble setting
SmartConnect to work
with your phone:
•To answer or place calls through
the teleconferencer, it must be
turned on, and you must lift
a. Check Figure 1 to be sure that SmartConnect has
•Re-check connections (page 2).
•Repeat LEARN procedure (above).
•Still having difficulty? Call
Tech Support: (503) 684-3147.
your phone’s handset.
been properly connected to your phone and
•If the teleconferencer is off,
your phone will operate in the
usual manner.
•If you change phones, you must
reset SmartConnect to work with
the new telephone. Repeat the
LEARN procedure, in “Step 2 –
Set SmartConnect to Learn Your
b. Press your teleconferencer’s ON button.
SmartConnect’s In-Use light should come on.
Please Note:
c. Lift your phone’s handset and set it on the desk.
You should hear dial tone through your
•If it does not learn successfully,
the Learn light will begin flashing
orange. See Troubleshooting
section for help.
•Handset must be “off hook”
(out of the handset cradle) to use
your teleconferencing unit or
modem with SmartConnect.
d. Place a call as usual, using your teleconferencer’s
keypad. (With some phones it may be necessary
to use the telephone keypad to dial.)
Figure 6
How to Use SmartConnect With a PC Modem
If your phone allows auto-dialing, follow these steps:
1. Prepare your modem to send a transmission.
•You must lift handset to use modem.
SmartConnect lets you use your PC modem even if you don’t have an analog line
where you need one. Just connect SmartConnect between your modem and any digital
(or analog) phone with a modular handset cord. If you are using a modem, your
computer’s software may have to be reset for manual transmission. Refer to your
modem User Guide for manual setup instructions.
•To restore your phone to normal
use, your modem must “hang up”
(disconnect) after your transmission
is complete.
•If you change phones, you must
reset SmartConnect to work with the
new phone. Repeat the LEARN
procedure described on page 3.
•Some PC software takes a few
moments to prepare a document for
transmission before dialing. On some
phones, this may cause a dial tone
“timeout.” To avoid this timeout,
convert the document to a fax format
before lifting the handset, or wait
until the software indicates it’s ready
to dial before lifting the handset.
2. Lift the phone’s handset and listen for dial-tone.
Place the handset on the desk (returning the
handset to its cradle will end the call).
3. Begin transmission by selecting SEND or
ENTER on your PC.
4. After successful completion of the data/fax
transmission, end the call by selecting the END
or ENTER command on your PC, then hang up
the phone.
You can send data and faxes with SmartConnect by manually dialing the numbers on
your telephone keypad. Note: Many modems are set to wait for a dial tone before
beginning data transmission. This feature must be turned off, or the modem cannot go
“off hook” and start transmitting. On most modems, this feature can be turned off by
resetting the DIAL command as shown below:
Change ATDT command line to: ATX3DT. Change phone number to dial “,,,” (three
commas) which will allow time for you to dial the phone number on the handset.
1. Click SIGN ON, connect or press ENTER on your computer to begin modem/fax
2. Remove the telephone handset from its cradle, listen for a dial tone, and place the
handset on your desk. Using your telephone keypad, place a call to the destination
If you experience problems where the communications software times out before
the other modem/fax answers, try reversing steps 1 and 2 above.
4. When your data has been sent successfully, end the call by clicking SIGN OFF or
DISCONNECT, or by selecting the Stop or End function on your computer.
5. Hang up the phone.
1. Open the My Computer icon (usually located in upper left corner of desktop).
2. Within the My Computer screen, select the Dial-Up Networking icon.
3. Then click MAKE NEW CONNECTION. Name the new connection,
“SmartConnect.” If changing a Dial-Up connection already created, then Right Click
on the Dial-Up icon to be changed and select Properties.
4. Make sure your modem type is displayed, and then click CONFIGURE.
To receive data or fax transmissions, you must be present to answer incoming calls. Most
modems can operate in two Receive modes. The first is typically known as Manual
Answer or Receive mode. The second is generally called Direct Connect or Local
Terminal mode. Choose your preferred mode of operation and follow the steps below:
5. Within modem properties set Maximum Speed to 38400 or 57600 (setting it at
115200 may cause problems).
6. Click on the CONNECTION tab.
7. Uncheck the “Wait for dial tone before dialing” box.
8. Click on the ADVANCED button.
1. When the phone rings, lift the handset and listen for incoming data tones.
2. Begin the data or fax transmission.
9. In extra settings, type in X3.
Manual Answer or Receive mode: Select the Manual Answer or Receive command
using your PC’s communications software.
Direct Connect or Local Terminal mode: Type ATA and ENTER to establish modem
3. Place your handset on the desk and wait for confirmation that the data has been received.
4. When finished, end the call.
Manual Answer or Receive mode: Use your Call Termination software feature.
Direct Connect or Local Terminal mode: Type ATH Ø and ENTER.
5. Hang up the phone.
10. Click OK twice and you will return to Make New Connection screen.
11. Click NEXT. The computer will ask you to enter phone number. Enter the number
of the computer you are dialing up or “,,,” (three commas) if you are dialing manually.
12. Click NEXT, then FINISH. This will return you to Dial-Up Networking screen.
13. You are ready to connect. Please see dialing instructions.
AOL 4.0
1. Open the AOL Dial-Up window and click SETUP.
1. Open the My Computer icon (usually located in upper left corner of desktop).
2. Within My Computer screen, click on the CONTROL PANEL icon.
3. Then click MODEM.
2. Within AOL Setup screen, click EXPERT SETUP.
3. Click EXPERT ADD.
4. Please enter the following information:
4. Highlight the modem you wish to use, then click PROPERTIES.
Name = SmartConnect
Edit Number Here = “,,,” (three commas)
Speed = 57600bps
5. Within modem properties set Maximum Speed to 38400 or 57600 (setting it at
115200 may cause problems)
6. Click on the CONNECTION tab.
Network = AOL Net
7. Uncheck the “Wait for dial tone before dialing” box.
8. Click on the ADVANCED tab.
5. Click OK.
6. Click DEVICES (modems, etc.) tab.
9. In extra settings type in X3.
7. Highlight modem type, then click EDIT.
10. Continue clicking OK to return to the Dial-Up Networking screen.
11. You are ready to connect. Please see dialing instructions.
8. Within the Edit screen, click EDIT COMMANDS.
9. Change Custom Modem Profile Dial Prefix line to ATX3DT.
10. Click OK twice, then click CLOSE and you will return to the AOL Dial-Up window.
11. You are ready to connect. Please see dialing instructions.
AOL 3.0
1. Open the AOL Dial-Up window and click SETUP.
2. Within Network and Modem Setup, click CREATE LOCATION.
3. Please enter the following information:
• Location = SmartConnect
• Phone Number = “,,,” (three commas)
• Modem Speed = 38400bps
• Network = AOL Net
4. Click SAVE.
5. Within Network and Modem Setup, click SETUP MODEM.
6. Then click on EDIT COMMANDS. You may be prompted: “Do you wish to delete it
and copy the current profile to the custom profile area?” Click OK.
7. Change Custom Modem Profile Dial Prefix line to ATX3DT.
8. Continue clicking OK until you return to the AOL Dial-Up window.
9. You are ready to connect. Please see dialing instructions.
FCC INFORMATION: Your new SmartConnect Digital Adapter complies with Part
68 of the FCC Rules. Your local telephone company may need to know the
compliance information, which may include the Registration Number, Ringer
Equivalence Number (REN), USOC phone jack type, and other information.
You’ll find this info on the underside of SmartConnect.
TELEPHONE PROBLEMS: If you experience problems with SmartConnect, disconnect
it from the phone jack. If the trouble disappears, your unit may need repair or
adjustment. In this case, the FCC requires that the product not be used, and
remain unplugged from the telephone line until the problem has been corrected.
If after disconnecting the unit from the phone jack, the trouble still exists,
contact your phone company’s repair department.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tel-
evision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following
— Reorient or locate the receiving antenna.
— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
SmartConnect Model #CMD0450
Tested to Comply with
FCC Part 15 Class B
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